The Stars My Destination (Tiger Tiger!: Tiger Tiger / Alfred Bester (1996)

Book Details
Publication Date 02-07-1996
Nr of Pages 272
Format (size) Paperback
Publisher Vintage

Such is the official verdict on Gully Foyle, unskilled space crewman. But Gully has managed to survive for 170 days in the airless purgatory of deep space after the wreck of his ship, and has escaped to Earth carrying a murderous grudge and a secret that could change the course of history.

The novel which in large part inspired both the cyberpunk movement of the 1980s and the science fiction New Wave of the 1960s, THE STARS MY DESTINATION has an unrivalled claim to be the most influential sf book of all time.

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ISBN 0679767800
Cover Price kr 12,95
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